Fullscreen uss-na Alert Github @Xiphoseer

# Colors

A basic, empty LCARS console is black. We call this a screen. A screen can be filled with text, displayed in white, green or orange, as it has been for old CRT computer screens.

On a screen, the recognizable features of a LCARS console are the buttons, controls, schematics, toggles, headings and more. We call them collectively the chrome of the console. The chrome is mostly orange or beige in TNG, very colorful in Voyager and blue-green in the newer films.

This framework is intended to be mostly color independent, but provides some predefined colors as well as utility classes to use a specific theme or color.

# CSS custom properties

By default, the framework uses CSS custom variables to cascade the currently selected chrome and screen color through an application. The :root pseudo-class is used to set some generic defaults.

Name CSS property Default Value
chrome background --lcars-chrome-bg #999999
chrome text color --lcars-chrome-fg #000000
screen background --lcars-screen-bg #000000
screen text color --lcars-screen-fg #ffffff

# Reference

While there are many colors appropriate for an LCARS interface, a realistic interface will only ever use a palette of less than 6. This section presents some predefined color that I found around the web. The sources are annotated at the bottom right of the palette tables.

An LCARS Design guideline (which will not be linked here for its use of agressive language) specifies this:

  1. Use no more main colors than are required to present the semantics of the interface.
  2. Use up to five shades or tints of these colors when necessary.
  3. Use no more than five colors in total

Colorindex Voyager

Blue-Gray (BG) .lcars-chrome-bg #99c
Lightblue (LB) .lcars-chrome-lb #99f
Lilac (FL) .lcars-chrome-fl #c9c
Pink (PI) .lcars-chrome-pi #c69
Light-Pink (LP) .lcars-chrome-lp #f9c
Russet (RB) .lcars-chrome-rb #c66
Apricot (AP) .lcars-chrome-ap #f96
Beige (BE) .lcars-chrome-be #fc9
Light-Orange (HO) .lcars-chrome-ho #f7c64a
Orange (OR) .lcars-chrome-or #f90


Colorindex USS

Blue-1 (b1) .lcars-chrome-b1 #9cf
Blue-2 (b2) .lcars-chrome-b2 #39c
Blue-3 (b3) .lcars-chrome-b3 #069
Blue-4 (b4) .lcars-chrome-b4 #036
Green-1 (g1) .lcars-chrome-g1 #cdb
Green-2 (g2) .lcars-chrome-g2 #0c9
Green-3 (g3) .lcars-chrome-g3 #099
Green-4 (g4) .lcars-chrome-g4 #066


PADDs Template

golden-tanoi (p1) .lcars-chrome-p1 #fc6
cold-gray (p2) .lcars-chrome-p2 #999
chestnut-rose (p3) .lcars-chrome-p3 #c66
lilac (p4) .lcars-chrome-p4 #c9c
anakiwa (p5) .lcars-chrome-p5 #9cf
atomic-tangerine (p6) .lcars-chrome-p6 #f90


Year 2357

pale-canary (pc) .lcars-chrome-pc #ff9
golden-tanoi (gt) .lcars-chrome-gt #fc6
neon-carrot (nc) .lcars-chrome-nc #f93
eggplant (ep) .lcars-chrome-ep #646
lilac (lc) .lcars-chrome-lc #c9c
anakiwa (ak) .lcars-chrome-ak #9cf
mariner (mi) .lcars-chrome-mi #36c
baltic-blue (bt) .lcars-chrome-bt #069

@Mokurunner / lcars47.com

Year 2369

blue-bell (bb) .lcars-chrome-bb #99c
melrose (mr) .lcars-chrome-mr #99f
lilac (lc) .lcars-chrome-lc #c9c
hopbush (hb) .lcars-chrome-hb #c69
chestnut-rose (cr) .lcars-chrome-cr #c66
orange-peel (op) .lcars-chrome-op #f96
atomic-tangerine (at) .lcars-chrome-at #f90
golden-tanoi (gt) .lcars-chrome-gt #fc6

@Mokurunner / lcars47.com

Year 2375

danub (db) .lcars-chrome-db #68c
indigo (ig) .lcars-chrome-ig #45b
lavender-purple (lr) .lcars-chrome-lr #97a
cosmic (cs) .lcars-chrome-cs #746
red-damask (rd) .lcars-chrome-rd #d64
medium-carmine (ca) .lcars-chrome-ca #a53
bourbon (br) .lcars-chrome-br #b62
sandy-brown (sb) .lcars-chrome-sb #e95

@Mokurunner / lcars47.com

Year 2379

periwinkle (pw) .lcars-chrome-pw #cdf
dodger-blue (dg) .lcars-chrome-dg #59f
dodger-blue-alt (dd) .lcars-chrome-dd #36f
blue (bl) .lcars-chrome-bl #01e
navy-blue (nb) .lcars-chrome-nb #008
husk (hs) .lcars-chrome-hs #ba5
rust (rs) .lcars-chrome-rs #b41
tamarillo (tm) .lcars-chrome-tm #821

@Mokurunner / lcars47.com

Odyssey Normal

offline (bs) .lcars-chrome-bs #4d4d4d
dark-1 (cb) .lcars-chrome-cb #133d87
frame (ib) .lcars-chrome-ib #2350b5
light-1 (ob) .lcars-chrome-ob #335da7
light-2 (eb) .lcars-chrome-eb #4a72ca
active (vs) .lcars-chrome-vs #97c3e1


Odyssey Gray Mode

offline (bs) .lcars-chrome-bs #4d4d4d
dark-1 (d1) .lcars-chrome-d1 #808080
frame (fm) .lcars-chrome-fm #808080
light-1 (l1) .lcars-chrome-l1 #808080
light-2 (l2) .lcars-chrome-l2 #808080
active (ac) .lcars-chrome-ac #ccc


Odyssey Blue Alert

offline (bs) .lcars-chrome-bs #4d4d4d
dark-1 (tb) .lcars-chrome-tb #00c
frame (ur) .lcars-chrome-ur #03f
light-1 (mb) .lcars-chrome-mb #06f
light-2 (ab) .lcars-chrome-ab #4159ff
active (vb) .lcars-chrome-vb #8d9bff


Odyssey Yellow Alert

offline (bs) .lcars-chrome-bs #4d4d4d
dark-1 (dr) .lcars-chrome-dr #664406
frame (on) .lcars-chrome-on #996509
light-1 (so) .lcars-chrome-so #cc870c
light-2 (ag) .lcars-chrome-ag #ffa90f
active (my) .lcars-chrome-my #ffd966


Odyssey Red Alert

offline (bs) .lcars-chrome-bs #4d4d4d
dark-1 (bo) .lcars-chrome-bo #600
frame (cm) .lcars-chrome-cm #900
light-1 (rg) .lcars-chrome-rg #c00
light-2 (pr) .lcars-chrome-pr #f00
active (vp) .lcars-chrome-vp #ff9191


Full Palette

black --lcars-color-black #000
navy-blue --lcars-color-navy-blue #008
strong-blue --lcars-color-strong-blue #00c
pure-blue --lcars-color-pure-blue #00f
blue --lcars-color-blue #01e
dark-midnight-blue --lcars-color-dark-midnight-blue #036
nearly-pure-blue --lcars-color-nearly-pure-blue #03f
very-dark-cyan --lcars-color-very-dark-cyan #066
baltic-blue --lcars-color-baltic-blue #069
mostly-pure-blue --lcars-color-mostly-pure-blue #06f
dark-cyan --lcars-color-dark-cyan #099
carribean-green --lcars-color-carribean-green #0c9
pure-green --lcars-color-pure-green #0f0
monochrome-green-2 --lcars-color-monochrome-green-2 #0f3
monochrome-green-3 --lcars-color-monochrome-green-3 #0f6
cyan-blue --lcars-color-cyan-blue #133d87
main-blue --lcars-color-main-blue #2350b5
monochrome-black --lcars-color-monochrome-black #282828
very-dark-red --lcars-color-very-dark-red #300
dark-moderate-blue --lcars-color-dark-moderate-blue #335da7
azure-blue --lcars-color-azure-blue #369
mariner --lcars-color-mariner #36c
dodger-blue-alt --lcars-color-dodger-blue-alt #36f
bavaria-blue --lcars-color-bavaria-blue #39c
monochrome-green-1 --lcars-color-monochrome-green-1 #3f0
monochrome-apple --lcars-color-monochrome-apple #3f3
saturated-blue --lcars-color-saturated-blue #4159ff
indigo --lcars-color-indigo #45b
moderate-blue --lcars-color-moderate-blue #4a72ca
black-swan --lcars-color-black-swan #4d4d4d
dodger-blue --lcars-color-dodger-blue #59f
blood-red --lcars-color-blood-red #600
dark-brown --lcars-color-dark-brown #664406
eggplant --lcars-color-eggplant #646
lead-gray --lcars-color-lead-gray #666
danub --lcars-color-danub #68c
cosmic --lcars-color-cosmic #746
steel-gray --lcars-color-steel-gray #808080
tamarillo --lcars-color-tamarillo #821
very-light-blue --lcars-color-very-light-blue #8d9bff
chelsea-gem --lcars-color-chelsea-gem #965032
very-soft-blue --lcars-color-very-soft-blue #97c3e1
crimson-red --lcars-color-crimson-red #900
orange-brown --lcars-color-orange-brown #996509
lavender-purple --lcars-color-lavender-purple #97a
cold-gray --lcars-color-cold-gray #999
anakiwa --lcars-color-anakiwa #9cf
blue-bell --lcars-color-blue-bell #99c
melrose --lcars-color-melrose #99f
medium-carmine --lcars-color-medium-carmine #a53
rust --lcars-color-rust #b41
bourbon --lcars-color-bourbon #b62
husk --lcars-color-husk #ba5
free-speech-red --lcars-color-free-speech-red #c80000
rangoon-red --lcars-color-rangoon-red #c00
chestnut-rose --lcars-color-chestnut-rose #c66
hopbush --lcars-color-hopbush #c69
strong-orange --lcars-color-strong-orange #cc870c
desaturated-red --lcars-color-desaturated-red #c99
lilac --lcars-color-lilac #c9c
chinese-silver --lcars-color-chinese-silver #ccc
grayish-green --lcars-color-grayish-green #cdb
periwinkle --lcars-color-periwinkle #cdf
red-damask --lcars-color-red-damask #d64
very-light-gray --lcars-color-very-light-gray #eee
sandy-brown --lcars-color-sandy-brown #e95
sunset-orange --lcars-color-sunset-orange #f55
pure-red --lcars-color-pure-red #f00
bittersweet --lcars-color-bittersweet #f66
bright-coral --lcars-color-bright-coral #f77
light-orange --lcars-color-light-orange #f7c64a
very-light-red --lcars-color-very-light-red #f88
very-light-pink --lcars-color-very-light-pink #ff9191
atomic-tangerine --lcars-color-atomic-tangerine #f90
neon-carrot --lcars-color-neon-carrot #f93
orange-peel --lcars-color-orange-peel #f96
pale-magenta --lcars-color-pale-magenta #f9c
light-salmon-pink --lcars-color-light-salmon-pink #f99
all-gold --lcars-color-all-gold #ffa90f
patient-pink --lcars-color-patient-pink #faa
amber --lcars-color-amber #ffb000
pale-red --lcars-color-pale-red #fbb
light-amber --lcars-color-light-amber #fc0
golden-tanoi --lcars-color-golden-tanoi #fc6
peach-orange --lcars-color-peach-orange #fc9
light-red --lcars-color-light-red #fcc
medium-yellow --lcars-color-medium-yellow #ffd966
very-pale-red --lcars-color-very-pale-red #fdd
laser-lemon --lcars-color-laser-lemon #ff6
pale-canary --lcars-color-pale-canary #ff9
white --lcars-color-white #fff
